Creative staging and performance skills in the Bachelor’s program Corporate Communication
In the very first semester of the Bachelor's program in Corporate Communication, students acquire important skills in creative staging and personal appearance. […]Read more on Creative staging and performance skills in the Bachelor’s program Corporate Communication
Locus of Control influence on Word-of-Mouth
At the 21st Eawop Congress, Gerald Kolar from the Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills presented his collaborative study on the influence of locus of control on word-of-mouth. […]Read more on Locus of Control influence on Word-of-Mouth
Social skills for teamwork and group dynamics
In the Social Skills 2 lecture from the Bachelor's programs in Corporate Communication and Marketing & Sales, students received expert support in team processes. […]Read more on Social skills for teamwork and group dynamics
Social skills for a creative staging in the hybrid work environment
In times of New Work, the Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills also focuses on professional and creative online staging in the module "Social Skills 1". […]Read more on Social skills for a creative staging in the hybrid work environment
Marketing future social goals emotionally and responsibly
Students of the Bachelor's program in Marketing & Sales at FHWien der WKW create awareness for selected Sustainable Development Goals. […]Read more on Marketing future social goals emotionally and responsibly
Social skills for teamwork and group dynamic processes in projects
In the course of the business field projects, the students from the Bachelor's programs in Corporate Communication and Marketing & Sales at FHWien der WKW are supported by the Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills in matters of teamwork. […]Read more on Social skills for teamwork and group dynamic processes in projects
Leadership training in the Master’s Program in Marketing & Sales Management
Leadership training in the Master's program in Marketing & Sales Management focuses on negotiating confidently as a manager, solving conflicts and being able to properly accompany internationalization and change processes. […]Read more on Leadership training in the Master’s Program in Marketing & Sales Management
Focus on leadership in the Master’s program in Communication Management
In a digitally networked media world, communications experts are in demand who have an overview rather than just being specialists. Therefore, FHWien der WKW's Master's program in Communication Management places a significant focus on management and leadership skills. […]Read more on Focus on leadership in the Master’s program in Communication Management
Scoring with online presentation skills and individual presence
At the end of their first semester, the students from the Bachelor's program in Corporate Communication introduced their concluding presentations in the lecture "Social Skills 1". […]Read more on Scoring with online presentation skills and individual presence
Sustainable Development Goals and Social Skills perfectly combined
In the Social Skills 1 lecture, students from the Bachelor’s Program in Corporate Communication create awareness of selected Sustainable Development Goals using an unusual and innovative presentation format. […]Read more on Sustainable Development Goals and Social Skills perfectly combined