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In the Social Skills 2 lecture from the Bachelor’s programs in Corporate Communication and Marketing & Sales, students received expert support in team processes.

In their intensive work for of the real assignments in their business field projects, our students from the Bachelor’s programs Corporate Communication and Marketing & Sales were professionally accompanied in teamwork & group dynamics by our team of experts from the Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills. In the lecture “Social Skills 2”, the student teams from all cohorts acquired the essential competencies to effectively design teamwork processes for both online and face-to-face settings.

With full commitment and very good reflection skills, the teams dealt with team roles, conflict types and team development phases directly related to their current project collaboration. At the end of the lecture, all teams discussed their experiences related to their acquired competencies at a final presentation.

Congratulations on the fruitful group process reflections and on the successful business field project presentations by the lecturer team Gabriele Zeiner, Bettina Eibler and Gerald Kolar!