Ownership of the University of Applied Sciences for Management and Communication (FHWien der WKW) is shared equally between the Wiener Wirtschaft Holding GmbH and the Vienna Business Fund (Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft).
Owner representatives

Mag.a Karin Jellinek, MBA
Stellvertretende Direktorin Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Kammerdirektion-Stellvertretung

KommR Helmut Schramm
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board oversees the management of FHWien der WKW and advises the Executive Management in important matters.
The members of the Advisory Board for FHWien der WKW are:

Mag. Meinhard Eckl

Mag. Martin Göbel

Mag.a Karin Jellinek, MBA
Stellvertretende Direktorin Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Kammerdirektion-Stellvertretung

Mag.a Barbara Kluger-Schieder

Mag. Michael Mühlbeck
Executive Management & Academic Board
Executive Management
Academic Board
In the winter semester of 2012, FHWien der WKW — University of Applied Sciences for Management and Communication appointed an Academic Board, in accordance with section §10 FHG (University of Applied Sciences Studies Act). The Board was appointed to implement and organize teaching and examination programs. The Academic Board of the University of Applied Sciences for Management and Communication comprises the Chair of the Academic Board FH-Prof.in Dr.in Beate Huber, the Deputy Chair FH-Prof. Dr. Dr. Sebastian Eschenbach, the six Heads of Degree Programs, six representatives of teaching and research staff and four student representatives. There are substitute members as required.
The Academic Board convenes for meetings, dealing with specific topics in working groups. It currently holds three general assemblies per semester.
The following tasks are to be carried out by the Academic Board in accordance with the FHG:
- Appointing the Chair and the Deputy Chair
- Making motions to the owner as necessary about the dismissal of the Chair or Deputy Chair, or commenting on the owner’s intentions of doing this, in the event that the Chair or Deputy Chair is grossly failing in, neglecting to carry out, or otherwise unable to fulfill their duties.
- Implementing changes to the accredited degree programs in consultation with the owner
- Making budget applications to the owner
- Strategic development of teaching, applied research and internationalization to ensure competence- and future-oriented studies at university level in agreement with the owner
- Coordination of content, assurance of the quality of teaching and research, and evaluation of the entire teaching process, including examination regulations and curricula
- Awarding of academic honors in agreement with the owner
- Issuing of procedural rules and statutes in consultation with the owner
- Decision making on appeals concerning rulings by the Head of a Degree Program
Special tasks allocated to the Chair of the Academic Board:
- Assigning and issuing instructions to full-time teaching and research staff in order to ensure the proper conduct of teaching operations and quality practice-oriented education at university level, as well as, within the framework of quality assurance, assigning and issuing professional instructions to Heads of Study Programs and to Heads of Academic Organizational Units
- Making appointments to teaching posts following suggestions or after consultation with the Academic Board
- Being the external representatives of the Academic Board and taking responsibility for implementation of the Academic Board’s decisions
- Conferral and revocation of academic degrees, nostrification of foreign academic degrees
The Head of a Study Program has responsibility for:
- Admission to examinations, the assignment of examiners, the scheduling of examination dates
- The recognition of studies and examinations on a case-by-case basis
- Decisions about other study and examination related issues
- Decisions about the applicability and fulfilment of specific admission requirements
- Geschäftsordnung des Kollegiums (in German)
- Satzung (in German)
- Wahlordnung (in German)
- Prüfungsordnung (in German)
- Study and examination regulations
- Gleichstellungsplan (in German)
- Richtlinie für die Verwendung von Bezeichnungen des Universitätswesens (in German)
- Richtlinie für die Verleihung der akademischen Ehrung “EhrensenatorIn der FHWien der WKW” (in German)
The term of the Academic Board elected in 2021 is coming to an end after three years. On this page we inform you about the election of the curia of teaching and research staff in 2024.
You will find the following information here:
- Election announcement (from 5.4.2024)
- Form for the submission of election proposals (from 5.4.2024)
- Election result (after the election)
Study Programs & Research
Departments and Study Programs
FHWien der WKW has three departments with nine study programs as well a Center for Academic Continuing Education.
Department of Management
- Financial Management Study Programs
- Human Resources & Organization Study Programs
- Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs
- Real Estate Management Study Programs
- Tourism & Hospitality Management Study Programs
Department of Communication
- Communication Management Study Programs
- Journalism & Media Management Study Programs
- Marketing & Sales Management Study Programs
Department of Digital Economy
Hernstein Academy
Research at FHWien der WKW is carried out by a research institute as well as thematically distributed in the respective study areas and pursues the research priorities:
- Responsibility and Sustainability
- Digitalization and Digital Transformation
- Strategic Management
Competence Center
The Study Programs are supported by the Competence Center.
Department of Management
- Competence Center for Business Controlling & Accounting
- Competence Center for Business English
- Competence Center for Sustainability
Department of Communication
Teaching and Learning Center
Learn more about the Competence Centers:
The Competence Center for Business English at FHWien der WKW combines Business English teaching expertise and organizational resources, fostering links with all FHWien departments and study programs. As Business English is a compulsory subject of most Bachelor programs at our university, our main activities include developing and coordinating the curricula and assuring quality in teaching, learning and assessment.
Working closely with professional and experienced external lecturers, our team strives to continuously develop and deliver high quality, innovative and student-centered Business English courses. Our goal is to ensure that our students are equipped with the English-language and communication skills required for successful participation in today’s global workplace as well as international study programs.
Furthermore, we maintain an international presence within the international Business English teaching community by attending and contributing to international conferences and publications.