Continuing Education Programs
Academic Expert for Cross-Media Journalism
In the fight against fake news, journalists who can use digital research tools and innovative storytelling formats are more in demand than ever. As a graduate of this hands-on course, you will be able to turn fact-based re-search into audiovisual stories and publish them on digital channels in a way that is appropriate for your target audience.
Academic Expert for Data Journalism
With the only academic continuing education program on data journalism in the German-speaking world, editors become sought-after experts in the fields of digital research, data analysis, visualization and interactive format development.
Academic Expert in IT & Management
In this two-semester program, central and current competences from IT are taught at university level for participants with a business background from practice or study. The IT and management skills acquired are the ideal complement to any previous business education.
BA (CE) Real Estate Management
The aim of the six-semester, part-time program is to provide graduates with the highest level of training and further education in all professional fields of property management and thus qualify them for the professional world.
Certified Program Digital Marketing
The certified program Digital Marketing is aimed at those interested in pursuing a promising career in the dynamic field of digital marketing.
MA (CE) Cross-Media and Data Journalism
Become a digital professional with a Master's degree in three semesters: Learn all the steps of digital storytelling, from idea to research, multimedia implementation and cross-media marketing. With a choice of specialization in cross-media or data journalism.
MA (CE) Digital Communication & Marketing
Your path to becoming a digital marketing expert. As the only MA (CE) program in Austria, the content of studies in the MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing unites the need of businesses for qualified IT- AND marketing digital communications experts.
BPr Accounting
The part-time and practice-oriented Bachelor Professional in Accounting program addresses the growing demand in the job market for highly qualified professionals in finance and accounting.
BPr Applied Business Management
The program in Applied Business Management is aimed at experienced and independent employees who want to work on specific topics from their own company (or business area) within the framework of a business administration degree program.
BPr Premium Banking
The Bachelor Professional Premium Banking program offers specialized training for highly qualified account managers and bank employees in management positions within the Raiffeisen Banking Group.
Certified Program Communication Psychology (FH)
This 1-semester continuing education program aims to provide academically sound professional development. The curriculum is designed in such a way that graduates have a wide range of opportunities to pursue a career in line with their qualifications.
EMBA Leadership
The EMBA Leadership and the Academic Expert for Leadership program focus on the systemic development and expansion of the student’s leadership qualities and leadership methods, in particular social and communication skills.
MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology
The practice-based distance learning degree program MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology is for people with experience in the area of communication and industrial psychology.
MBA Consulting Excellence for Management & IT Professionals
The part-time MBA Consulting Excellence for Management & IT Professionals offers business education and training for management and IT consultants.
Corporate Academies
News & Events
The training contract is periodically revised and adapted to the individual university courses, so that the version of the training contract that was signed during enrolment always applies individually.

Dr. Klemens Braunisch, MRICS
Head of Program
MSc Real Estate Management

Mag.a Christine Güttel
Human Resources Management
Head of EMBA Leadership

FH-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Gerald Janous
Head of Program MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing

Mag. Markus König
Capital Markets
Head of Program
MSc Premium Banking

Dr. Thomas Kaufmann-Lerchl
Head of Competence Center for Business Controlling & Accounting
Head of Program
MSc Controlling

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Kolar
Head of Program
MSc Cyber Psychology of Online Communication
Head of Program
MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology

Manfred J. Schieber, MA, MBA, MSc
Head of Program
International MBA in Management & Communications

Mag. Thomas Schmidt
Head of Bachelor’s Program Marketing & Sales
Head of Competence Center for Marketing
Head of Program
MSc Marketing & Sales Management

Mag.a Gabriele Schöberl
Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills
Head of Program
MSc Communication & Counseling in Business Mag.a Mag.a Katharina Ulm
Research Skills & Methods in Management & Entrepreneurship
Head of Program
MSc Retail Management
FHW Education & Management GmbH
Währinger Gürtel 97
1180 Vienna
Commercial Court Vienna
Company Registration Number: 530730k
VAT Number: ATU 75681068