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HR project: Artificial intelligence and personnel development at ÖBB

July 25, 2024

As part of their practical project, Bachelor students of the Human Resources Management study program explored the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resources development at ÖBB. The students worked intensively on this project over the course of the 4th semester and presented their findings in a presentation. […]Read more on HR project: Artificial intelligence and personnel development at ÖBB

Scientific expertise on mass tourism in TV interviews

July 24, 2024

Cornelia Dlabaja, Endowed Chair for Sustainable Urban and Tourism Development, gave interviews to ORF and Puls 4 on the current development of mass tourism. […]Read more on Scientific expertise on mass tourism in TV interviews

More attractive employer through benefits and learning culture?

July 24, 2024

In an interesting practical project, Bachelor students on the Human Resources Management program took a close look at Erste Bank's sDG sDienstleistungsgesellschaft. The aim was to find out how the company can increase its appeal as an employer through benefits and a sustainable learning culture across generations. […]Read more on More attractive employer through benefits and learning culture?

A walk through the city center: Cornelia Dlabaja at the Viennese walking café

July 23, 2024

On July 2, 2024, the Walking Café of the Vienna Mobility Agency invited people to take a special walk through Vienna's city centre. Under the motto ‘Old City - New Places’, 100 people explored the first district with endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja. […]Read more on A walk through the city center: Cornelia Dlabaja at the Viennese walking café

Focus on sustainability: paper presentation in Denmark

July 22, 2024

Clemens Löffler, Senior Researcher of the Competence Center for Business Controlling & Accounting presented his paper at the internationally renowned Manufacturing & Service Accounting Research Conference. […]Read more on Focus on sustainability: paper presentation in Denmark

Ideas brewery for the introduction of the one-way deposit system in a business field project with Ottakringer

July 17, 2024

With creative concept ideas, the full-time students of the Bachelor's program in Marketing & Sales demonstrate how to make the deposit recycling process more attractive for consumers. […]Read more on Ideas brewery for the introduction of the one-way deposit system in a business field project with Ottakringer

Europe On Air 2024 on elections in Europe

July 17, 2024

Exploring urban metropolises and creating high-quality journalistic radio and audio programs in small intercultural groups - this is the core of the international "Europe On Air" course. This year's course was held in Antwerp, Belgium. […]Read more on Europe On Air 2024 on elections in Europe

ISMJ 2024: Young journalists explore Europe’s diversity

July 12, 2024

The second project week of this year's International School of Multimedia Journalism (ISMJ) took place in the Polish capital Warsaw. For one week, participants from four countries explored Europe and created their own multimedia reports on the theme "This is (also) Europe!". […]Read more on ISMJ 2024: Young journalists explore Europe’s diversity

Creative and diverse: 360-degree concepts for Philadelphia Plant-based

July 12, 2024

In the business field project of the part-time Bachelor's program in Marketing & Sales, students developed creative launch concepts for "Philadelphia Plant-based". […]Read more on Creative and diverse: 360-degree concepts for Philadelphia Plant-based