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Research in the Study Programs

Creating Advantages and Benefits for Business

FHWien der WKW departments engage in practice-led research with a strong focus on the specific career fields covered by their degree programs. For this practice-led research work, FHWien der WKW and its departments work in close collaboration with private-sector clients, national and international universities, and funding agencies. This is in line with FHWien der WKW’s clear objective of helping organizations to master new challenges and exploit their innovation potential, even in economically difficult times. The focus here is not just on large corporations, but also SMEs.

Maintaining and expanding our network of research partners serves four main goals:

  1. Creation of synergies through collaboration
  2. Formulating relevant research questions together with partners from the world of business
  3. Development of procedures for sharing findings and competencies
  4. Strategic positioning in promising areas of activity

Our partnership projects include a wide range of joint activities.

  • Acquiring external funds for R&D projects and conducting R&D projects
  • Publication activities
  • Hosting events
  • Fostering communication between experts

Research in the Digital Economy Study Programs

The applied research is engaged in development and innovation in two areas of work:

  • Use of digital technology
  • Strategic management in the context of digital transformation

At the heart of a university, competence is developed through academic work. This applies to students as well as to our academic staff. That is why we set ourselves challenging goals and make results visible.

Research in the Study Programs Communication Management, Marketing & Sales Management and Journalism & Media Management

The research focus of our study programs is on the effects of digitalization on the respective professional areas. Our efforts are guided by a number of central research questions:

  • How does digitalization change roles and competencies, objectives and strategies, as well as work processes and structures in the field of professional communication?
  • What new forms of shaping opinions and behavior are emerging between individuals, organizations and publics as a result of digitalization?

Research in the Human Resources & Organization Study Programs

The study program’s applied research is focused on current difficulties and problems in the career field. Topics such as future-oriented human resources management, strategic human resources development and the effects of new work environments are investigated, together with representatives from the relevant career field.

Research in the Real Estate Management Study Programs

The Real Estate Management Study Programs carry out applied research in the following three topic areas:

  • Sustainability
  • Market data
  • Digitalization

Research in the Tourism & Hospitality Management Study Programs

Rethinking tourism. Driving change. Tourism is an interdisciplinary field of research in which approaches and theories from different disciplines must be taken into account. The primary research focuses are in the following areas:

  • innovations in tourism
  • culinary tourism
  • sustainable and resilient location and tourism development