Study real business: Charity event for „Viva Con Agua“
In the Event Management lecture students successfully put a charity event for clean drinking water into practice. […]Read more on Study real business: Charity event for „Viva Con Agua“
How customers love brands
Customers can develop very personal relationships with brands. Senior Researcher David Bourdin has now developed a robust scale that can be used across countries and studies to measure these customer-brand relationship norms. […]Read more on How customers love brands
Study on cultural stereotypes in services improves staff training
Negative foreign accents evoke cultural stereotypes in customers. However, targeted personal training can increase customer satisfaction. […]Read more on Study on cultural stereotypes in services improves staff training
Social skills for teamwork and group dynamics
In the Social Skills 2 lecture from the Bachelor's programs in Corporate Communication and Marketing & Sales, students received expert support in team processes. […]Read more on Social skills for teamwork and group dynamics
Sustainability: Megatrend or Daily Business? – Cooperation event with MCA
At a joint event between the Communication Management and Marketing & Sales Management study programs and Marketing Club Austria, company representatives from a wide range of industries discussed the multifaceted topic of sustainability at a perfect location, the City IKEA near Vienna's Westbahnhof train station. […]Read more on Sustainability: Megatrend or Daily Business? – Cooperation event with MCA
Pitch for the best product launch campaign for Oral-B
Procter & Gamble commissioned students from the Bachelor's program in Marketing & Sales to develop launch campaigns for the Oral-B iO electric toothbrush. […]Read more on Pitch for the best product launch campaign for Oral-B
First place for Master’s thesis on digital storytelling
With her Master's thesis in Marketing & Sales Management on digital storytelling in vacation travel, Rebecca Daul took first place in this year's edcom Graduation Competition. […]Read more on First place for Master’s thesis on digital storytelling
Keeping better track of “digital breadcrumbs” along tourist paths
Ilona Pezenka from the Marketing & Sales Management Study Programs at FHWien der WKW presented a social media analysis of the Montafon tourism region in Johannesburg, South Africa. […]Read more on Keeping better track of “digital breadcrumbs” along tourist paths
David Bourdin as guest lecturer in Northern France
Senior Researcher David Bourdin gave three guest lectures on international brand positioning and intercultural consumer behavior at the Université Catholique de Lille. […]Read more on David Bourdin as guest lecturer in Northern France
Innovative campaigns for new customer segments for Toyota
In a business field project with Toyota, students from the Marketing & Sales Management Master's program at FHWien der WKW developed solutions for opening up new target groups for the leasing sector. […]Read more on Innovative campaigns for new customer segments for Toyota