Fake news and opinion machines in the EU pre-election campaign: How journalists fight disinformation
Peter Fritz, long-time analyst and renowned ORF foreign correspondent, was a guest at the eleventh Public Value Lecture at the FHWien der WKW. He gave fascinating insights into the daily editorial work and the challenges of reporting in the run-up to the EU elections. The event was organized in cooperation with the ORF Public Value Competence Center. […]Read more on Fake news and opinion machines in the EU pre-election campaign: How journalists fight disinformation
A forum for applied science
In line with the conference motto "Let's apply science!", several researchers from FHWien der WKW presented current findings on the application of artificial intelligence, sustainable innovations and digital transformations as well as business founders at the FH Research Forum 2024 in April. […]Read more on A forum for applied science
The complexity of trust in journalism
At the end of March, Gisela Reiter from the Department of Communication presented the results of an Austrian-Finnish study at the international conference #YouthMediaLife 2024 at the University of Vienna. […]Read more on The complexity of trust in journalism
Between Distrust, Innovation and Enlightenment: AI, Disinformation and Journalism
Journalism faces new challenges with the spread of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Dealing with disinformation and upholding basic ethical principles are are proving to be particularly relevant. At a panel discussion at FHWien der WKW, renowned experts discussed how journalists can meet these challenges. The keynote speech was given by Eva Wackenreuther, fact checker at AFP. […]Read more on Between Distrust, Innovation and Enlightenment: AI, Disinformation and Journalism
“Falling apart at the seams”
Marian Adolf, Andreas Hess and Gisela Reiter from the Department of Communication at FHWien der WKW presented "Measures for the re-integration of an eroding communication culture" at the annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Erfurt. […]Read more on “Falling apart at the seams”
ISMJ 2024: Perspectives for Europe’s future
What does it mean to be a European in 2024 and what does Europe mean to young people? These key questions were the focus of the ninth edition of the International School of Multimedia Journalism (ISMJ), which took place from February 12-17, 2024, under the motto "This is (also) Europe!". […]Read more on ISMJ 2024: Perspectives for Europe’s future
Between algorithms and a wink: journalism for young people
How can complex topics be presented to young audiences? Students from the Content Production & Digital Media Management study program tackled this question in four practical projects. The result is online, video and audio content that is not only entertaining but also highly informative. […]Read more on Between algorithms and a wink: journalism for young people
Data Journalism and AI: European Journalism Educators Meet in Vienna
45 institutions from 20 countries were represented at the meeting of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) at FHWien der WKW. One of the main focuses was digital storytelling. […]Read more on Data Journalism and AI: European Journalism Educators Meet in Vienna
Workshops on TikTok and artificial intelligence at international teacher exchange
Teachers from all over Europe gathered in Helsinki, Finland, for the International Teachers' Week to discuss teaching methods, future issues and opportunities for collaborative projects. In their workshops, Regula Blocher and Hilda Helyes addressed the impact of digitalisation on the transformation of communication professions and presented examples of successful adaptation. […]Read more on Workshops on TikTok and artificial intelligence at international teacher exchange
When PR pretends to be journalism
Gisela Reiter, researcher at FHWien der WKW, spoke at the renowned "Future of Journalism" conference in Cardiff, Wales, about ethical challenges in communication practice. […]Read more on When PR pretends to be journalism