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semesters (180 ECTS)
Bachelor of Arts in Business
University places per year
30 FT, 34 PT

Study Program

Develop skills, improve performance

In the Bachelor’s Degree program in Human Resources Management, you will develop skills that will allow you to work in many different fields. The three year practice-oriented generalist degree program is offered either in a part-time format or in a full-time format and is a must for a quick and successful start to your career.



  • Specialist knowledge in the field of human resources management: essential topics relevant to business practice, based on personnel management, personnel development, economics and law
  • Development of HR management specific solutions for companies in a digitalised and globalised world
  • International experiences during the semester abroad or thanks to Internationalization@home
  • Exciting projects and HR experts and professionals as lecturers
  • Trainer Certificate
  • Further certification options in cooperation with Austrian Standards (E-Learning Manager, Expert in Personnel Selection, Expert in Personnel Development)


Type of degree program

Full-time (FT) or Part-Time (PT)

Teaching on an average of four to five days per week in this time frame:

  • Part-time: Monday-Thursday: 18:30 – 21:45 , Friday: 14:45 – 21:45 Uhr, Saturday: 08:30 – 16:30 Uhr
  • Full-time: Monday-Friday: 08:30 – 18:30, occasionally on Saturdays

30-40 % Distance Learning

Specializations in the 6th semester take place on evenings or on Saturdays for both full and part-time students.

Language of instruction

German (single modules in English)

Study-abroad semester

FT: obligatory
PT: possible


Transfer credits possible for students working in a related field while studying

Start of the degree program

At the beginning of the winter semester in September

Place of study

wko campus wien, Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna
(U6 metro station Währinger Straße/Volksoper)


Focus & Qualifications

The degree program is for

  • People working in the area of Human Resources Management for the first time who want to be qualified to work in this field, with the help of our comprehensive degree program.
  • People who currently work in a company in human resources management or as an employee in personnel services, who want to further qualify themselves by completing a university degree.
  • External consultants who want to increase their efficiency through a more detailed knowledge base.

Practical relevance

80% of our lecturers are practitioners. Students are thus given first-hand sound knowledge and can make valuable contacts during their degree program.

Modern teaching methods

The Human Resources & Organization Study Programs teach integrated classes instead of holding classic lectures. New content is discussed and reflected in classes, leading directly to new knowledge. Communication and social skills are perfected in the form of workshops.


The part-time study program is structured in such a way that it rarely requires days off. We recommend a workload of up to 30 hours per week. If you already have experience in part-time study, a higher workload is also possible. Nevertheless, it is important that you give your studies an important place in your everyday life.


Know more – do more

The requirements of the labor market are growing and growing – making it increasingly important to be “fit for the job” after completing your degree program. Curricula are improved on an ongoing basis so as to fit in with developments in the working world and new international trends. This is to prepare our graduates for the beginning of – or the next step in – their careers. Our motto spans from “know more” to “do more” – meaning that we focus more on practical strengths learned. Teaching, learning and exams at FHWien der WKW are completed in modules. This means: Topic blocks make up modules, and at the end of the module there is an exam.

What is a module?

A module is a teaching unit consisting of multiple topic blocks, which are thematically linked and cover a specific area relevant to the degree program. In this module, clearly defined skills will be developed, with an examination of all sub elements at the end.

How does it help students?

Teaching is directed towards learning outcomes. Competency-based learning and fewer exams – which are integrated and more comprehensive – make up the curricula. Students’ personal development and their employability in business is our central goal.

Trainer Certificate

As part of the Bachelor’s degree program in Human Resources Management you also have the possibility to complete a trainer certificate as a “Trainer in adult education”. The following modules of the curriculum must be completed with a “Very Good” or “Good”*:

  • Communication and Presentation
  • Conduct of Negotiations & Conflict Management
  • Training Fundamentals (moderation, didactics, assessment center)
  • Applied Training

In the courses mentioned, attendance is mandatory for 85 % of all semesters.**
A further prerequisite is the successful completion of the study program.

The trainer development course comprises 180 teaching units. To receive the certificate, students must plan, carry out and self-evaluate a training day and reflect on their own approach to training.


* It is possible to improve ONE received “3/ satisfactoryby an additional question in the respective subject in the Bachelor examination.

** Attention: For full-time students this attendance requirement of 85 % in the 3rd semester is not applicable due to the stay abroad. There is a possibility of compensation if it is not possible to attend the course abroad.

Job & Career

Career fields

Graduates from the Bachelor’s program in Human Resources Management are often found in one of the following career fields:

  • Employee in Human Resources Management in a small or medium sized enterprise
  • Human resources employee in a large company or concern
  • Human resources business partner
  • Training and personnel development
  • Specialist in recruiting/personnel development
  • Employee in personnel controlling/human resources administration

Sound generalist degree in Human Resources Management

The Bachelor’s degree takes six semesters and is completed with a first academic title. An academically sound general degree in the area of Human Resources Management is both practically relevant and fits in with the needs of the labor market.

The Master’s degree is research and application oriented and supplements the Bachelor’s degree.

Qualifications and skills

Graduates from the degree program in Human Resources Management have the following skills and qualifications at their command:

  • Human Resources Management: human resources strategy, performance management, human resources administration, human resources marketing, leadership, ethics, personnel planning
  • Personnel development: potential analysis, career management, development of continuing education programs, using e-learning in companies, concepts of employee loyalty, creating mentoring programs
  • Labor law: detailed knowledge of labor law, contract design, termination of employment and personnel administration, personnel accounting
  • Recruiting: job postings, organization of applications, organization and carrying out of interviews and assessment center, introducing new employees
  • Electronic human resources management (eHR): IT support for all staff-related processes
  • Empirical social research: creating and evaluating interviews and questionnaires
  • Business administration: accounting, marketing, sociology, strategic management, project management, economics, interpreting annual reports, carrying out cost accounting in internal accounting
  • Organizational development: organizational analysis, organizational culture, change management, learning organization
  • Social skills: training in a company setting, communication and negotiation, presentation, moderation, conflict management


Curious about our study program? Inform yourself about the requirements and the admissions procedure at FHWien der WKW.

Admission requirements Bachelor's programs
Admissions procedure Bachelor's programs

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Study Programs & Contact

Human Resources Management is an essential management tool for many businesses. Learn more about the Human Resources & Organization Study Programs at FHWien der WKW:

  • Team & contact
  • News & events
  • Projects

Master's Degree Program

Master's Degree Program Organizational & Human Resources Development

This Master’s program trains managers, project managers and consultants in Organizational and Human Resource Development who can become active above all in those areas in which strategic, conceptual and integrative competences are required.

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