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semesters (180 ECTS)
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
University places
Part-time per year

Study Program

Current developments in the media sector are opening up new professional fields, traditional media professions and their fields of application are converging, and editorial work no longer takes place exclusively in traditional media houses. The Bachelor’s program in Content Production & Digital Media Management teaches aspiring journalists and career changers not only basic journalistic know-how, but also all the necessary skills for the professional conception and design of audio, video and image content for online journalism.

The course is designed for an average weekly working time of 20 hours.


  • Learning from top national and international practitioners
  • Practical projects in & with media companies
  • In-house TV & radio studio
  • International media trips & cooperations
  • Compulsory professional internship (optional in Austria or abroad)


Type of degree program

Part-time (PT)

Thursday and Friday all-day + one intensive week per semester (intensive weeks take place in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semesters, in the first week). The intensive week takes place between Monday morning and Saturday evening.)

Language of instruction

German (single modules in English)

Study-abroad semester



15 weeks

Start of the degree program

Always at the beginning of the winter semester in September

Place of study

wko campus wien, Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna
(U6 metro station Währinger Straße/Volksoper)


Focus & Qualifications

The Bachelor’s degree program in Content Production & Digital Media Management teaches students the following skills and qualifications:

  • Multi-media, basic editorial training with a digital focus
  • Practical projects in small groups (e.g.: media production, newsroom project)
  • Research, fact-checking & data journalism
  • Information design, image design and animation
  • Production processes, handling professional audio & video equipment, editing suite & editorial software
  • Economic, political and legal environment of (journalistic) media production

Radio Radieschen 91.3

Radio Radieschen is the training radio station of FHWien der WKW. Students of the Journalism & Media Management Study Programs learn radio in theory and practice – among other things, they create their own radio programs and go live on air.

Apart from teaching, our radio editorial team provides quality content and inspires listeners with programs such as Science Radio, Start Me Up – the start-up magazine, #Vienna or the feature format “Hörfeld”.

Radio Radieschen – radio to my taste

Online Magazine "Studying Journalism"

Whether it’s exciting TV magazines, inspiring radio features or impressive (multimedia) reports: A large number of journalistic contributions are produced during the study program. In our online magazine “Studying Journalism,” we present selected works and practical projects by our students.

Divided into the sections TV & Video, Radio & Audio and Multimedia & Text, the online magazine offers students the opportunity to present themselves and their own work to a larger audience. Prospective students thus gain an insight into studying journalism at FHWien der WKW.

Studying Journalism – See, hear, read the practice.


Know more – do more

The requirements of the labor market are growing and growing – making it increasingly important to be “fit for the job” after completing your degree program. Curricula are improved on an ongoing basis so as to fit in with developments in the working world and new international trends. This is to prepare our graduates for the beginning of – or the next step in – their careers. Our motto spans from “know more” to “do more” – meaning that we focus more on practical strengths learned. Teaching, learning and exams at FHWien der WKW are completed in modules. This means: Topic blocks make up modules, and at the end of the module there is an exam.

What is a module?

A module is a teaching unit consisting of multiple topic blocks, which are thematically linked and cover a specific area relevant to the degree program. In this module, clearly defined skills will be developed, with an examination of all sub elements at the end.

How does it help students?

Teaching is directed towards learning outcomes. Competency-based learning and fewer exams – which are integrated and more comprehensive – make up the curricula. Students’ personal development and their employability in business is our central goal.

Job & Career

The Bachelor’s program in Content Production & Digital Media Management does justice to the digitalization of the industry and prepares you optimally for the demands of the job market. After graduation, diverse career prospects are open to you in the following areas:

  • Online editorial
  • Multimedia production
  • Corporate editing & social media management
  • Multimedia project management
  • Data journalism


Curious about our study program? Inform yourself about the requirements and the admissions procedure at FHWien der WKW.

Admission requirements Bachelor's Programs
Admissions procedure Bachelor's Programs

News & Events

Study Programs & Contact

The Journalism & Media Management Study Programs offer theoretically sound and at the same time practice-oriented Bachelor’s and Master’s programs for the entry into quality journalism. Learn more about us:

  • Team & Contact
  • News & Events
  • Projects

Master's Degree Program

Master's Degree Program Journalism & New Media

The Master’s program offers application-oriented and theory-based courses to enable graduates to work in quality journalism and develop their own media projects. The focus is on journalistic know-how for print, TV, radio and online as well as in the use of these skills for multimedia work.

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