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Viennese Grätzl – Cooperation with the Vienna Tourist Board

March 27, 2023

We all know them – Brunnenmarkt, Karmelitermarkt, Freihausviertel… the Viennese Grätzl! But what is so special about them and how can they be made a sustainable experience for guests? From March 20 to 24, 2023, the COIL-project took place as part of the course “Tourism Futures” and united students from the Master’s program in Urban Tourism & Visitor Economy Management, students from Heilbronn University and the Vienna Tourist Board as commissioning party.

Students at the final presentation
Final presentation about the Karmelitermarkt districtl Karmelitermarkt | © Daniela Wagner
Excerpt from the presentation on Brunnenmarkt/Yppenviertel
Excerpt from the presentation on Brunnenmarkt/Yppenviertel

The week started with getting to know the students from Heilbronn, exciting lectures about place making, sustainability, urban innovation and the briefing from the Vienna Tourist Board. The goal of the assignment was to analyze various neighborhoods in Vienna and to explore to what extent tourism can be sustainably developed within the Grätzl.

In the following days, five international student groups visited their chosen Grätzl and worked on the task through field and desk research. At the end of the week, the students presented their results to the commissioning parties, who were highly impressed by the quality of their work.

Congratulations to the students on this successful project!

Thanks to the Vienna Tourist Board for the exciting project assignment and to Heilbronn University for the good cooperation!