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Improving organizational learning through the COMPASS Self-Check Tool

December 4, 2020

Senior Researcher Dr. Katharina Jarmai and co-authors publish an article about the COMPASS Self-Check Tool, which was developed within the framework of a Horizon 2020 project to help companies improve their organizational learning through self-assessment.

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Photo by Diana Parkhouse on Unsplash

In the face of increasingly complex and dynamic environments, companies are continuously challenged to learn and adapt, particularly in the area of responsible innovation. This chapter introduces a diagnostic self-assessment tool to support companies in facing these challenges by drawing on insights from organizational learning and responsible innovation. In the context of innovation, self-assessment can enhance organizational learning with a view to foster an organizational culture and innovation capabilities that in turn have a positive effect on innovation performance measures. The COMPASS self-check tool therefore aims to enable learning by translating the concept of responsible innovation into concrete corporate practices and policies, ascribing them to specific business functions. The systematic deconstruction of responsible innovation into observable practices allows the COMPASS self-check tool to go beyond existing learning tools and supports companies in aligning responsible innovation with business realities.

The book chapter “The COMPASS self-check tool – Enhancing organizational learning for responsible innovation through self-assessment” appeared in the anthology “Assessment of Responsible Innovation – Methods and Practices”, edited by Emad Yaghmaei and Ibo van de Poel.

Find the article here.