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Image boost campaigns for the ÖH FHWien

January 23, 2024

In the business field project, the students from the Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication developed communication concepts to improve the image of FHWien der WKW’s Austrian Student Union ÖH FHWien.

In the winter semester 2023/24, the full-time students from the Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication (3rd semester) at FHWien der WKW were faced with the challenge of increasing the visibility and attractiveness of the offers and services of ÖH FHWien among the target group and at the same time improving the image of the Austrian Student Union. The aim was to create an active and participatory community in which students feel actively involved. One particular aspect was that the students involved also represented the target group.

Optimization of community management and focus on interaction

The six teams impressed their clients with comprehensive communication concepts that focus on the student voice by using interactive tools such as Instagram surveys. The proposals also included an event portfolio specially tailored to the various needs of students, which will enable ÖH FHWien to offer an even broader range of activities in future. The measures were supplemented by targeted communication strategies, which are intended to intensify student loyalty to the Austrian Student Union and further improve its image.

In a final pitch to the clients, the various concepts were presented with a strong impact. Business field project coach Martina Zöbl congratulates on the successful final presentation:

“I’m excited because I understand the effort that goes into it!”

David Pejanovic, Flora Trotz und Lukas Hollerer, chairpersons of ÖH FHWien, emphasize:

“We are proud that we are taking an important step towards a vibrant student community with this campaign. Our measures are aimed at better understanding the needs of our students and enabling them to have an unforgettable time at university. We are confident that these initiatives will help to strengthen the image of ÖH FHWien and bring our students closer together.”