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Best Meeting Thesis Award for BA student Maria Doppler

November 5, 2019

Maria Doppler, a graduate of the BA study program in “Tourism Management“, was awarded the annual “Best Meeting Thesis Austria award” by the Austrian Convention Bureau (ACB).

In her Bachelor’s thesis, she dealt with the representation of women at congresses. The results show that, despite a steady increase in recent years, the representation of women at congresses is still very low in all areas (moderation, speakers and participants). This phenomenon is a result of existing gender patterns, stereotypes and bias.

Ms. Doppler’s findings show that simple measures like anonymous competitions/reviews or the compulsory presence of at least one woman in the program committee can lead to a higher proportion of women among the invited speakers.

The Best-Meeting Thesis Award for Ms. Doppler’s Bachelor’s thesis underlines the relevance and importance of this topic.

The Tourism & Hospitality study program at FHWien der WKW congratulates Ms. Doppler on this impressive achievement.