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Guest Professor Dr. George Iatridis analyzes issues of international financial reporting

March 20, 2019

Dr. George Iatridis was once again persuaded to join FIRST as a guest lecturer in the summer semester. Dr. Iatridis is a renowned professor of accounting and finance at the University of Thessaly, Greece. His curriculum vitae is very international and he completed both his Master’s and PhD studies in England.

The course “Special Issues of International Accounting (Sonderfragen der internationalen Rechnungslegung” is always a highlight in the 6th semester, as it further strengthens the international character of the program. For one thing, the LV is held entirely in English and for another, students are confronted with different perspectives of international accounting. Due to Prof. Iatridi’s motivating teaching style, students are particularly involved in group work, where the aim is to analyze the performance of international companies. A combination of classroom sessions and distance learning units makes it possible to immediately translate what has been learned into projects and thus strengthen students’ critical thinking with regard to financial analysis.