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“Fachkräfte finden und binden” – a book by Richard Bauer

June 30, 2020

Employer branding in the service sector: Richard Bauer is a graduate and lecturer at FHWien der WKW and published the book “Fachkräfte finden und binden – Internes Marketing für Tourismus und andere Dienstleister” (“Finding and retaining specialists – internal marketing for tourism and other service providers”) at the renowned Linde publishing house.

Internal marketing for tourism and other service providers

Mag. (FH) Richard Bauer, graduate of our Tourism & Hospitality Management Study Programs, is now, among other things, a lecturer and member of the examination board for the Master’s program in Leadership in Tourism at FHWien der WKW. In addition to his lecturing and teaching activities at universities, he is also an independent management consultant for tourism and the hotel industry with more than 25 years of practical tourism experience.

This week he published the book “Fachkräfte finden und binden – Internes Marketing für Tourismus und andere Dienstleister (“Finding and retaining skilled workers – internal marketing for tourism and other service providers”) in the renowned Linde publishing house. The book deals with the topic of the shortage of skilled workers and high employee turnover and presents methods for anchoring the philosophy of a company and its brand identity in the minds of its employees, increasing their motivation and retaining them in the company.

>> About Richard Baucher

>> Book “Fachkräfte finden und binden”