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CGBE interviewed by CSR News and Ö1

April 5, 2018

Daniela Ortiz and Markus Scholz were interviewed on the topic of “Business Ethics in Teaching” and the consequences of the disaster in Bangladesh in 2013.

Where is business ethics teaching at universities heading? How can we balance philosophical foundations and the focus on concrete problems in companies? And what strengthens the transfer into practice? On topics like these, the CSR MAGAZINE interviewed University lecturers from Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Among them Daniela Ortiz and Markus Scholz from the Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics. They took a stand on how business ethics should be integrated into teaching and how sustainable the universities themselves are.

The full text of the interview series online here.
Review article in the March issue of CSR MAGAZIN.

Guest lecturer of FHWien der WKW Prof. Dr. Juliane Reinecke (Professor of International Management and Sustainability at London’s King’s Business School) and FH-Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz were interviewed together for an Ö1 radio broadcast. The topic was the “Rana Plaza” disaster five years ago and the developments until today: Over 1,000 people died in 2013 due to the collapse of a textile factory in Bangladesh. How did the textile industry react to this catastrophe? Juliane Reinecke’s startling CGBE Lecture on March 22, 2018 also revolved around this topic.

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