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37 renowned companies searched for talents at Career Day

October 10, 2022

Career Day on October 6, 2022, connected top companies with students and alumni

The search for employees is becoming increasingly challenging for companies. For many companies, FHWien der WKW has become a reliable partner that helps them find talents. At the annual Career Day, students and graduates are particularly sought after by HR professionals. On October 6, 2022, 37 top companies were represented at the event.

In the past two years, Career Day was held online – also with great success. Nevertheless, both the company representatives and the students and alumni were excited to meet each other in person this time.

The Career Day offered everything you need to start your career. At the presentation “Successfully conducting job interviews”, Philipp Almhofer, Key Account Manager at Stepstone Austria, gave step-by-step instructions for a successful job interview. Visitors also had the opportunity to get tips from Thoman Gaiswinkler, Enterprise Account Executive DACH at LinkedIn, on how to make a successful digital appearance on the business and social media platform.

Career Day Treppe Der Career Day der FHWien der WKW vernetzte Unternehmen auf Mitarbeitersuche mit Alumni und Studierenden der Fachhochschule.
37 Unternehmen suchten Talente bei der Karrieremesse der FHWien der WKW. Career Day Beratungsgespräch

Photos: © Adrian Almasan |