The degree program in Cyber Psychology of Online Communication is carried out by the AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education in Lübeck together with FHWien der WKW and is a 100 % distance learning degree program, making it easy for you to study while working.
According to section 4 of the psychology law, (Psychologengesetz) only persons who have completed a degree in psychology may call themselves a psychologist. The successful completion of the Master’s degree program “MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication” does not allow the holder to call themselves a “psychologist”. Upon completion of your degree program, you have the right to use the internationally recognized title of “MA (CE) in Cyber Psychology of Online Communication”.
The Master’s program is based on the following focal points:
- Social media
- Young person’s use of the internet, as well as the growing trend of online gaming
- Artificial Intelligence
- E-commerce, and the use of online platform for political use
- Online counseling and support
- The darker side of the internet.
Type of degree program
Distance learning degree course
Language of instruction
Start of degree program
Either in February or September
Place of study
Distance Learning
The degree program in MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication is carried out by the AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education together with FHWien der WKW.
The content is modular and is completed with a Master’s thesis and a Master’s examination.
Focus & Qualifications
Your continuing education program in Cyber Psychology of Online Communication
Cyberpsychology is a fairly new field of psychology given the rapid development of new technologies in the past years. It considers the psychological processes associated with any form of technology including internet and mobile phone use, gaming or artificial intelligence with a special focus on human interaction and communication.
Human behavior is crucial to the success of a business idea. It is important to understand motivations and emotions of potential customers, staff or the people who are influenced by technology. Society’s demand for high-quality cyber psychologists is increasing in many areas. The MA (CE) in Cyber Psychology of Online Communication tackles these societal changes.
The learning concept of the MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication is distinguished by its high level of practically relevant content, as well as innovative teaching and learning methods. The distance-learning program offers students an optimal way to learn.
The combination of guided self-study, individual student support and e-learning units offers students the possibility of learning at a time and place which is suitable for them and which fits in with their own professional requirements and needs. Using modern e-learning components provides students with interactive learning.
The MA (CE) in Cyber Psychology of Online Communication offers students the opportunity for improving qualifications to a university level and is a successful combination of compact, theoretically sound knowledge and a practice-based education.
According to section 4 of the psychology law (Psychologengesetz), only persons who have completed a degree in psychology may call themselves a psychologist. The successful completion of the Master’s degree program “MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication” does not allow the holder to call themselves a “psychologist”. Upon completion of the program you have the right to use the internationally recognized title “MA (CE) in Cyber Psychology of Online Communication”.
The contents and structure of the program support a practice-oriented understanding of Cyber Psychology in areas relevant to the target group. Starting with the acquisition of the basics important for this understanding, cyber psychology of online communication content and skills are systematically taught, whereby successive modules always meaningfully tie in with the knowledge acquired in the previous module and can be integrated to understand the following module.
Main areas of study
The Master’s program is divided into 3 semesters:
1st semester
- Introduction to Cyber Psychology
- Social Media, Networking and Communication
- Psychology of Online Businesses
- Online Communication Support, Counselling and Coaching
- Children and Teenagers’ Use of Online Communication and Media
2nd semester
- Communication with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Psychology of Online Gaming and Multiplayer Platforms
- E-Politics, Ethics and CSR
- Research Methods
3rd semester
- The Dark Web: Cybercrime and Deviance
- Master’s Thesis
- Master’s Examination
The curriculum is optimized and adapted to the latest developments in the world of work and the latest international trends regularly. The motto here is from “knowing more” to “being able to do more”.
Job & Career
The Master’s program in Cyberpsychology of Online Communication” will equip students with an understanding of current and prospective issues surrounding cyber psychology. The past 100 years has seen the development of conventional psychology supporting the assumption that all human behavior happens in person and in real time. However, in the past two decades, the online medium has taken over large parts of our lives, from using online banking transactions to ordering food through our smartphones. People can have relationships online, and run a multimillion dollar business on the same medium. Online there is no shortage of deviant behavior, where people aim to exploit those with little knowledge of how the medium works.
All things considered, there is a dire need to understand human behavior through this new and evolving lens of the internet. The way we manage human behavior and the instances through which we monitor the extremes of humanity have all been reconstructed as a result of the world wide web. Therefore, it is imperative that those concerned with the study of businesses (with a special focus on – online – communication), psychology, IT, engineering, law, or social care should be able to appraise themselves with the challenges and opportunities that have emerged as a result of this new medium. This program will provide such an opportunity.
According to the psychology law §4, the successful completion of the Master’s degree program “MA (CE) Cyberpsychology of Online Communication” does not allow the holder to call themselves a “psychologist”. Upon completion of your degree program, you have the right to use the internationally recognized title of “MA (CE) in Cyberpsychology of Online Communication”.
The program “Cyber Psychology of Online Communication” is targeted at people interested in understanding online communication from a psychological perspective. Many of the potential students will have an interest and professional experience in this topic to begin with, and this Master’s program will enable them to pave the way forward in a more applied and multidisciplinary way.
Potential students may be, among others, people in business, legal professionals, people working with children, and/or people in charge of online security management. Those with social sciences and psychology degrees will benefit from the program, especially those with a preference for organizational, social or applied psychology. Those with a background in computing and IT will also benefit from the program, which will provide insights into a dimension of human behavior that they might have previously been unfamiliar with.
Target group & Admission requirements
- Completed relevant Bachelor’s program at a university of applied sciences with at least 180 ECTS credits
- Completed other relevant study program of at least the same higher education level at a recognized Austrian or foreign post-secondary educational institution.
- at least 2 years of relevant professional experience
Application process
Application takes place at the AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education in Lübeck.
Program information
The team at the AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education, Lübeck can answer any questions you may have.
Grants & Financing
- Tax reimbursement: You can write off the tuition fees against your taxes, as long as the continuing education program is relevant or related to your current occupational field. The tax advantage depends on your total income. You could be reimbursed for up to 43.6 % of the tuition fees!
More information can be found here:
Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/514 33-0
E-mail contact form - Tax deductibility for companies:
Entrepreneurs can deduct continuing education costs as business expenses.
More information can be found here:
Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/514 33-0
E-mail contact form
Grants in Austria
- Database Continuing Education Grants (German)
- Database Scholarships (English)
- Arbeiterkammer (Chamber of Labor) (German)
- Wirtschaftskammer (Chamber of Commerce) (German)
- AMS (Austrian Public Employment Service) (German)
- A reduction in costs is possible if the costs are covered by the employer. (for more information, please visit
Grants at the federal state level
- Burgenland (German)
- Carinthia (German)
- Lower Austria – Educational grants (German)
- Lower Austria – Scholarships (German)
- Salzburg (German)
- Styria (German)
- Tyrol (German)
- Upper Austria (German)
- Vorarlberg (German)
- waff – Vienna Employment Promotion Fund (English)
- Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (Vienna Business Agency) (English)
Learn about Brain Capital education funds for flexible study financing:
All information is without guarantee. Please be aware that we cannot make any guarantees about grants!
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Kolar
Head of Program
MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication
Head of Program
MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology
Wiebke Mehrens, MSc
AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education