Digital learning environment at FHWien der WKW
Offers for lecturers
With the E-Learning Help Course (EHC), we offer our lecturers support for our digital learning environment (e.g. Moodle, Panopto, Teams, MS365, Particify) at any time and from any location.
Our support team is on duty from Monday to Friday and can be reached by email ( If the case is more complex, an online meeting or a telephone call will be arranged.
We also offer on-site services for online teaching and content production at our Währinger Straße 61 location. Our rooms can be booked by all FHWien der WKW lecturers at the EHC – also with accompanying coaching from the CCEL-Team.
Training and Exchange of Experience
Our program is rounded off by training courses and workshops. These provide an introduction to the basic functions of the digital learning environment used at FHWien der WKW and show possible didactic applications.
In addition to briefly clarifying acute questions, we also offer didactic counselling and design possible didactic scenarios for online teaching together with the lecturers. Individual workshops for groups of teachers are also possible.

Tobias Schwarzbauer, Bakk.phil. BA

Wolfgang Ruge, M.A.