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Data Journalism and AI: European Journalism Educators Meet in Vienna

November 20, 2023

45 institutions from 20 countries were represented at the meeting of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) at FHWien der WKW. One of the main focuses was digital storytelling.

Rückenansicht von Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern an der Jahrestagung der European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) im Oktober 2023 an der FHWien der WKW.
Die Jahrestagung der European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) lockte über 80 TeilnehmerInnen von 45 Journalismus-Ausbildungsstätten aus mehr als 20 Ländern nach Wien.
Die GastgeberInnen Daniela Süssenbacher von der FHWien der WKW (ganz links) und Nikolaus Koller von der Österreichischen Medienakademie (ganz rechts) mit den Mitgliedern des Boards der European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).
Die GastgeberInnen Daniela Süssenbacher von der FHWien der WKW (ganz links) und Nikolaus Koller von der Österreichischen Medienakademie (ganz rechts) mit den Mitgliedern des Boards der European Journalism Training Association (EJTA).
Nikolaus Koller (Österreichische Medienakademie, ganz links) und Daniela Süssenbacher (FHWien der WKW, 4. v. li.) mit Keynote-Speakerin Katharina Schell (APA) sowie den Panelgästen Frederik Marain (AP Hogeschool, Belgien/EJTA) und Stefan Kollinger (ORF Innovation Manager, ganz rechts).
Nikolaus Koller (Österreichische Medienakademie, ganz links) und Daniela Süssenbacher (FHWien der WKW, 4. v. li.) mit Keynote-Speakerin Katharina Schell (APA) sowie den Panelgästen Frederik Marain (AP Hogeschool, Belgien/EJTA) und Stefan Kollinger (ORF Innovation Manager, ganz rechts).

The Annual General Meeting of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) took place from October 18 to 20, 2023. More than 80 members from 45 institutions from over 20 European countries came together at FHWien der WKW. In addition to developing guidelines for journalism training and intensifying cooperation, the program included a conference on digital storytelling. The event was organized by the Journalism & Media Management study programs at FHWien der WKW in cooperation with the Austrian Media Academy (ÖMA).

Exchange on developments in journalism training

Participants used the three-day meeting to discuss issues relevant to the future of journalism training. Among other things, project groups drew up guidelines for dealing with the following hot topics in journalism training: inclusive journalism, fact-checking, artificial intelligence (AI) and data journalism. Representatives from training institutions also explored ways to strengthen international cooperation.

AI in journalism – here to stay

A highlight was the conference “Digital Storytelling – Next Steps”. Katharina Schell, deputy editor-in-chief of the Austrian Press Agency (APA), gave a keynote on “AI Literacy and Journalism Training: What’s your strategy?” She gave insights into the latest developments in digital storytelling and artificial intelligence. Representatives from ORF, APA and EJTA then discussed the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence in journalism. They also discussed what AI skills are expected of future graduates and how this will affect journalism education. 

Media houses and digital transformation

Another focus was the exchange between international experts and Austrian journalists with the aim to deepen the dialogue between education and practice. In workshops, Austrian media provided insights into current challenges and opportunities in the field of digital storytelling. Topics included investigative journalism at DOSSIER, young journalism on TikTok and Instagram with “Die Chefredaktion”, inclusive journalism at “” and the transformation of the Austrian daily newspaper KURIER into a digital-first publisher. Participants learned in detail about successful Austrian models.

Networking and Viennese culture

The conference was not only a time for intensive discussions and workshops, but also an opportunity for informal conversations and networking. The social program included a guided tour of the Vienna City Hall and a walking tour of the city, during which guests learned interesting details about Vienna’s history. The event was rounded off with a traditional Viennese Heurigen dinner. The entire conference was planned with sustainability in mind and was certified as an eco-event by the Environmental Agency of the City of Vienna.