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Competence Center for Business English at “Business English Now” conference

December 13, 2022
Linda Slattery and Andrew Pullen at the BEsig conference
Linda Slattery and Andrew Pullen at the BEsig conference

Linda Slattery and Andrew Pullen, Academic Experts & Lecturers at FHWien der WKW’s Competence Center for Business English, traveled in November to Gdansk, Poland. There they attended the 35th annual conference of IATEFL’s Business English Special Interest Group (BEsig) – the world’s largest organization of Business English teaching professionals.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Business English Now” where speakers and participants engaged with themes such as reevaluating language learning theories and approaches, artificial intelligence in foreign language teaching, as well as learning and practical activities for face-to-face, online and hybrid classes.

Linda and Andrew contributed to the host of diverse and innovative sessions by giving an engaging talk on how our students’ use of online translation tools (e.g. DeepL, Google translate) can meaningfully enhance relationships with international business partners.