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Alumni Award 2020

Every year, FHWien der WKW presents the “Alumna/Alumnus of the Year” award, honoring graduates who stand out for their career paths and commitment.

We are especially pleased to present this year’s finalists for the Alumni Award 2020. The jury didn’t have it easy – seven impressive applications were on offer.

These three candidates finally made it to the finals:

These are our finalists

Patrick Batka

Patrick Batka completed both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Management & Entrepreneurship.

He works as Financial Sales & Development Analyst at FITINN Sportstudio Group and passes on his experience as a lecturer to our students.

Nicola Filzmoser

Nicola Filzmoser completed her Bachelor’s degree in Communication Management.

She took the step into self-employment in Great Britain with her company Happyr Health to help children with migraines with a playful app.


Günter Stöffelbauer

Günter Stöffelbauer completed his studies in “Corporate Communication” at FHWien der WKW.

After various career stages at L’Oréal, he founded his own company in 2015, with which he develops and internationally markets dieNikolai organic grape cosmetics from Austria.